Grow your dental practice's Instagram presence

Instagram has become a popular method of communication in today’s world. If your dental practice isn’t on this platform yet, then you are missing out on a platform that has an unbelievable reach and that allows you to be as creative as you want.

Today we look at how you can make the most of Instagram for your dental practice. Make your dental practice stand out and improve your patient retention through a well-crafted Instagram presence.


To realize some success with Instagram you need to treat it like any good community. For you to thrive you need to actively participate in what your community is actively involved in. If all you do is post your content and don’t comment interact or even like someone else, then the chances of you being noticed are very slim.

Take the time to comment on good content, reshare interesting content, join discussion rooms and promote other people’s content. This will get your profile noticed and mentioned as well. Over time your existing and potential patients will start interacting with your profile making it prime for managing your dental brand.

Promote patient reviews 

The more your profile grows the more you want to show your recommendations. This profile aims to improve your practice image after all. Patient reviews on Instagram make for good content as people are always drawn to something that is spoken about positively.

You can incentivise your patients to create Instagram stories and reels sharing their experiences with dealing with your practice. This will make for good content for anyone who visits your profile.

Tagging and hashtagging are a must.

As you post your content you need to include tags and hashtags. These act as keywords that will help your audience find your posts. You can localize your hashtags so that your audience can relate, for example instead of simply using #dental you can use #TexasDental, this will localize your content and give your audience a sense of ownership. This will also let people in the Texas area know that they have a local service provider.

Know your trends

Make time to find out which topics are most discussed in your local market and create content around those. This isn’t limited to dental issues, you can discuss what is happening locally in your town, holiday destinations, new fashion, or anything to pick the interest of your audience.

Make sure make to keep in touch with what is going on with your local influencers. This includes local companies, politicians, influencers, and business leaders. This page is meant to deal with the myth that dentists are only capable of pain, keep your Instagram page fun and approachable. With these tips, you can improve your Instagram presence and subsequently improve your patient retention and the overall image of your dentistry.

SupportDDS is a leading Texas-based insourcing company that provides virtual assistants and administrative support for dental practices. Moreover, we provide both short and long-term virtual outsourcing services customized to suit your business process needs.

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